November 2020

Customer lifetime value for subscription based business

Customer lifetime value for subscription based business

In every business, it is very important to know whether your users or customers are liking your services and products. The customer Lifetime Value model helps businesses to track down how good they are resonating with their consumers. Although, calculating Customer Lifetime Value doesn’t need high-level arithmetic knowledge it needs a sharp calculation of any

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Introduction to real-time/streaming data analytics

Introduction to real – time/streaming data analytics

Talking about Big Data sometimes take us to a very steady process of data analysis, Real-Time/Streaming Data Analytics. Companies who are looking for better aspects for their business and customers’ activities such as billing/metering, server activity, website clicks and so on, are into Real-Time Streaming Data Analytics. What allows any business to react without getting delayed to

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Introduction to hadoop- architecture, properties, components and projects

Introduction to hadoop – architecture, properties, components and projects

By the end of 2020, 70% of the industries going to rely on a Hadoop cluster for running more than 1000 nodes. All are running around 80% of unstructured data on 20% of structured data. If we take social media as an example, Twitter produces around 7TB data per day, where Facebook produces around 500TB data

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